What Is Cold-Pressed & Why Does It Matter?

Raw Middle East is the first company in Qatar, offering fresh cold pressed juices and nutritional detox cleanses delivered straight to your door. 100% local, raw, vegan, and gluten-free. 

But we often get asked just what “Cold pressed” means and exactly why it is that it’s better for you than just regular juice. We thought we’d dedicate some space for it on our blog to give you the inside information…

So what does cold pressed mean?

Cold press is a method of juice extraction which sees a special hydraulic press breakdown solid fruits and vegetables in to a pulp. The pulp is then pressed between steel plates to separate the liquid from the fibrous matter. The extraction method that's associated with cold-pressing uses no heat or friction during the extraction which means that all the essential vitamins, enzymes and minerals remain intact. 

What benefits are there to cold pressed juice? 

Well first of all by removing the fiber it allows the body to easily absorb all the vitamins and minerals in the juice. It also gives the digestive system a well deserved break. 

Cold pressed juice also contains five times the vitamins, minerals and enzymes of juice produced by other methods. Other methods can create heat and friction which will result in oxidization and loss of essential nutrients. But by cold pressing the fruits and vegetables exposure to oxidation is at a minimum because it uses a press as opposed to a blade. 

And how could be forget the most important element - the taste. A cold pressed juice will be smoother, crisper and cleaner so it’ll taste infinity better than from an electronic juicer. 

Which brings us on to money…

Another question we get asked is “Why are your juices so expensive” well, not all juice is created equal so when you consider what you’re consuming everyday during a cleanse is approximately 2 kilos of freshly pressed fruits and vegetables, and the process involved, it's actually quite inexpensive!

The bottom line: If you’re squeezing juice into your diet — whether for a  cleanse or for an energy boost— then you need to be sure you’re shelling out cash for a product you know is consistent with quality standards and that’s exactly what you can be guaranteed from Raw-me.com


  • Henry Noah

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  • Anneliese Enid

    New Year, new me, right? Well, that’s what I thought when I decided to take my cryptocurrency security to the next level. Fueled by optimism and perhaps a few too many resolutions, I set out to create a brand-new, ultra-complicated password for my Bitcoin wallet, which just so happened to hold a staggering $1,000,000. You know the type: a blend of uppercase letters, symbols, numbers, and even a dash of hieroglyphics. I was feeling pretty smart until, of course, I promptly forgot it.
    After days of futile attempts to jog my memory, trying every possible combination and random phrase I could think of, I finally admitted defeat. “This is ridiculous,” I muttered to myself as I stared at my screen, which mocked me with its ‘access denied’ message. The irony of my New Year’s resolution to be more secure leading to a complete financial black hole was not lost on me.
    Feeling desperate, I picked up the phone and emailed Cyberpunk Programmers. I was half-expecting them to burst into laughter at my misguided ambition—after all, who locks themselves out of their own wallet with a password that’s more complicated than quantum physics? But to my relief, they were total pros. They approached my situation with a sense of calm and professionalism that immediately put my mind at ease.
    Their team got to work right away, employing their advanced forensic tools to crack my convoluted password. I was amazed at how quickly they got to it; it was as if they had some secret decoder ring only they could wield. Within just a few days, they restored my access to the $1,000,000 wallet, and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me.
    When I got the call that they had successfully unlocked my wallet, I could hardly believe it. I felt like I had just been rescued from a financial prison, and I couldn’t thank them enough for their expertise and support.
    So, maybe next New Year’s, I’ll resolve to stick with passwords I can actually remember—like “SuperSecret123”—because clearly, a resolution to be secure can’t come at the cost of my sanity. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament, I wholeheartedly recommend Cyberpunk Programmers. They turned my digital disaster into a success story, and I couldn’t be more grateful!
    Email: cyberpunk (@) programmer (.) net
    WhatsApp: +44 7848 161773

  • Michael Schwarz


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  • Anneliese Enid

    New Year, new me, right? Well, that’s what I thought when I decided to take my cryptocurrency security to the next level. Fueled by optimism and perhaps a few too many resolutions, I set out to create a brand-new, ultra-complicated password for my Bitcoin wallet, which just so happened to hold a staggering $1,000,000. You know the type: a blend of uppercase letters, symbols, numbers, and even a dash of hieroglyphics. I was feeling pretty smart until, of course, I promptly forgot it.
    After days of futile attempts to jog my memory, trying every possible combination and random phrase I could think of, I finally admitted defeat. “This is ridiculous,” I muttered to myself as I stared at my screen, which mocked me with its ‘access denied’ message. The irony of my New Year’s resolution to be more secure leading to a complete financial black hole was not lost on me.
    Feeling desperate, I picked up the phone and emailed Cyberpunk Programmers. I was half-expecting them to burst into laughter at my misguided ambition—after all, who locks themselves out of their own wallet with a password that’s more complicated than quantum physics? But to my relief, they were total pros. They approached my situation with a sense of calm and professionalism that immediately put my mind at ease.
    Their team got to work right away, employing their advanced forensic tools to crack my convoluted password. I was amazed at how quickly they got to it; it was as if they had some secret decoder ring only they could wield. Within just a few days, they restored my access to the $1,000,000 wallet, and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me.
    When I got the call that they had successfully unlocked my wallet, I could hardly believe it. I felt like I had just been rescued from a financial prison, and I couldn’t thank them enough for their expertise and support.
    So, maybe next New Year’s, I’ll resolve to stick with passwords I can actually remember—like “SuperSecret123”—because clearly, a resolution to be secure can’t come at the cost of my sanity. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament, I wholeheartedly recommend Cyberpunk Programmers. They turned my digital disaster into a success story, and I couldn’t be more grateful!
    Email: cyberpunk (@) programmer (.) net
    WhatsApp: +44 7848 161773

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